(510) 494-1999 tricityvoice@aol.com
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Display Ads

For Display ads, the most common sizes and prices are listed on this form, but we can create ads in any size. If you need assistance to create an ad, we have staff available to help at no additional charge. Please contact Sharon Marshak for design help at: tricityvoice@aol.com

We are a broadsheet based on 5 columns.

1 column across is 1.8″ wide

2 columns across 3.75″ wide

3 columns across 5.75″ wide

4 columns across 7.75″ wide

5 columns across 9.75 Wide

1/4 page 5.75″ wide by 8.4″ tall or   — 9.75″ wide by 5″ tall

1/2 page 9.75″ wide by 9.5″ tall

Full page size 9.75″ Wide by 19.5″ tall

Advertising sizes are calculated in “column inches.” In order to calculate ad size, please be aware that 2ci wide(two column inches) is equivalent to 3.75 inches wide (ie: 2ci = 3.75 inches). Multiply column inches by height. For example, 2ci x 6 = 12ci. Therefore the dimensions for a 12ci ad would be 3.75″ x 6″.


Please keep in mind that calendar months may have either 4 or 5 Tuesdays which will determine the monthly cost.

Tri-City Voice publishes the paper every Tuesday – Ad deadline Every Thursday

39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538

Voice: (510) 494-1999 – Fax: (510) 796-2462

Email for Assistance: tricityvoice@aol.com – Website: www.tricityvoice.com